Importance of Understanding GATE Syllabus and Referring Right GATE Books

The syllabus of any exam plays a vital role in giving a direction to the candidates who are aspiring to crack that exam. Once the syllabus is understood and analysed, an exam aspirant can plan his preparation strategy effectively and perform well in the exam.

Engineering students from Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, and Electronics streams who are targeting GATE 2021 should first go through the GATE 2021 syllabus in detail. The GATE syllabus would facilitate GATE aspirants in planning their GATE preparation strategy as per the allocation of marks to different topics. The GATE exam is designed strictly as per the provided GATE syllabus. Therefore, to score well in GATE exam, a GATE aspirant should understand the paper pattern properly so that important topics can be focused upon.

Understanding GATE Syllabus and Right GATE Books

In short, the GATE syllabus can help GATE aspirants in following ways:
  • Planning and executing the preparation strategy for GATE as per the weightage allotted to different subjects and topics.
  • Setting short-term GATE preparation goals and keeping aside enough time for questions practice.
  • Getting clear idea about subjects and topics that need to be studied and practiced.
  • Getting an idea about the marks distribution.
  • Deciding the time to be dedicated to each subject from the syllabus.

In addition to understanding the GATE syllabus before beginning your preparation for GATE, one must also select the right GATE book to go ahead with their preparation in a constructive manner. Referring the best GATE books during preparation is one of the important key points in achieving success in GATE exam. 

What to look for in GATE books?

There are many factors a GATE aspirant should keep in mind while choosing the best GATE book. 

Here are the main factors:

  • Easy to Read and Understand:The first thing to be looked upon while choosing the best books for GATE preparation is its presentation of subjects. Make sure that you can easily understand the topics without much usage of technical terms. 
  • Information Provided: The books that you are looking for GATE preparation should provide accurate information about the topics present in the GATE syllabus. If a book is providing wrong or misleading information then it should be completely rejected by a GATE aspirant.
  • Explanation Offered:As the GATE exam involves many complicated chapters, the books that you should select should offer the explanations in a simple and concise manner that are easy to understand.
  • Pictorial Explanations:If any complicated technical process is explained with the help of diagrams and pictures then the chances of readers retaining it are higher. So, look for a book that includes pictorial and diagrammatic representations for complicated topics.
  • Simple Language:A book that explains technical terms in a simple, easy to understand language should be preferred while choosing GATE preparation books rather than those containing fancy language. The language should be such that it should not lead to confusion in the minds of readers.

Hope you must have now understood the importance of understanding the GATE syllabus before starting your preparation for GATE, and the factors to keep in mind while choosing the best GATE books in making your preparation more effective and productive.


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