Importance of Understanding GATE Syllabus and Referring Right GATE Books

The syllabus of any exam plays a vital role in giving a direction to the candidates who are aspiring to crack that exam. Once the syllabus is understood and analysed, an exam aspirant can plan his preparation strategy effectively and perform well in the exam. Engineering students from Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, and Electronics streams who are targeting GATE 2021 should first go through the GATE 2021 syllabus in detail. The GATE syllabus would facilitate GATE aspirants in planning their GATE preparation strategy as per the allocation of marks to different topics. The GATE exam is designed strictly as per the provided GATE syllabus. Therefore, to score well in GATE exam, a GATE aspirant should understand the paper pattern properly so that important topics can be focused upon. In short, the GATE syllabus can help GATE aspirants in following ways: Planning and executing the preparation strategy for GATE as per the weightage allotted to different subje...